I was raised in a family with 5 siblings in San Gabriel, California. I was number 4 out of five. My parents, John and Helen provided a loving and stable life, sending all of us to Catholic schools for 12 years and then to the college of our choice. I went to St. Therese from grades 1-8, Ramona Convent from 9-12, and Cal Western in San Diego where I received my teaching credential.
My first job was teaching 6th grade in Cathedral City, near Palm Springs, for 2 years. I then transferred to the Los Angeles USD, where I taught at San Gabriel Avenue Elementary School in South Gate, starting in 6th grade, then going down to 1st and 2nd. Then I moved to Manhattan Place Elementary School in South Central Los Angeles, as a math specialist and then 3rd grade. At that point I was burned out and took a substitute leave, loved it and continue for 10 years. I also substituted for the Manhattan Beach USD, where I lived.
I met Craig at my sister Kathy's apartment as he popped his head in the door and introduced himself. He was slightly drunk, asked the same questions over and over again. The capper was we both turned down his offer to go to a USC game. A couple of weeks later Craig saw me going to my neighbors and invited me up to watch another USC game. I did. I was dating someone else at the time who was working in Park City, Utah. I was pursued and we were married in June of 1976.
I have lived in 5 different houses, 3 in MB, One in Fair Oaks and now in San Luis Obispo. We raised 3 dogs, Brittany, a wedding present, Brutus, her nephew and then for the last 8 years Beau. All Golden Retrievers.
When we moved to Fair Oaks, Califronia I started subbing again and was offered a shared contract at Riverview in Rancho Cordova. I spent a wonderful 14 years working there, meeting friends, having TGIFs and Christmas staff parties at our house. It was a wonderful time in my life. I am still friends with many of the teachers. I retired in 2005 at the young age of 57. While in Fair Oaks I was also a docent at the Crocker Art museum for 16 years.
In SLO, my life changed. I was used to working and now I wasn't. Subbing didn't give me the satisfaction I was looking for. I got involved with the Jack House, where I am now head Docent. I also volunteered at the Chapman Estate for 3 years. I hike with friends, take yoga classes at my neighbors, help Craig with his film class, Zoom with elementary friends every week and my sisters and walk Beau regularly. Craig and I do a lot of traveling. This year I completed visiting my 7th continent and have been to all 50 states.
Craig and I will be married for 49 years in June and they are putting me up for sainthood soon. I already have my 3 miracles-we are still married, I have not killed him and we have not divorced. I plan to live a long and healthy life.
I serve on the SLO Parks and Recreation Commission.
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contact Craig by email : ck at craigkincaid.com
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